gray market 灰色市场 ; 灰市 ; 水货市场 ; 半合法市场
the gray market 半黑市
gray market goods 灰色市场商品 ; 水货
Anti-Gray Market Alliance 反水货市场联盟 ; 美国反灰色市场联盟 ; 反灰色市场联盟
gray-market 水货市场
international gray market 国际灰市场
Gray land market 灰色土地市场
the gray land market 对灰色土地市场
In the past, Apple products have also proven to be so popular that official sellers will run out of stock, giving gray market vendors another opportunity to cash in, Sun said.
But 49% those devices were sold through China's gray market, where products are bought from overseas and then resold by local vendors.
There's a whole gray market for Lego, thousands of home-based businesses.