大堡礁 ( great barrier reef queensland australia )位于澳大利亚东北部昆士兰省,是一处延绵2000公里的地断,是世界上最大、最长的珊瑚礁区,是世界七大自然景观之一,也是澳大利...
There are also other cities in Australia well worth visiting: Townsville, in Queensland, is the gateway to Australia’s rainforests and the Great Barrier Reef.
澳大利亚还有其他的一些旅游胜地,比如:昆士兰的汤斯维尔。 它是通往澳大利亚热带雨林和大堡礁的大门。
Scientists in Australia are warning that sections of the Great Barrier Reef could be damaged as floodwaters that have hit parts of Queensland flow into the sea.