... 津巴布维的维多利亚瀑布 Victoria Falls – Zimbabwe 长城 Great Wall of China 马尔代夫 Maldives ...
(2) 万里长城 •伟大的军事防御工程 万里长城 ( The Great Wall Of China )是中国文明史上最伟大的建筑工程。它是为 抵御不同时期的塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑 的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。
...的受访者表示希望体验能让他们提前体验目的地的虚拟现实旅行,而25%受访者表示愿意尝试VR体验《中国长城》(Great Wall of China)。该体验让用户在VR跑步机上面行走,速度与VR世界保持一致。
The Great Wall of China 中国的长城 ; 中国长城 ; 长城 ; 万里长城
The Great Wall of China- 中国的长城
great wall of china detail 外长城
Great Wall of China lengthens 万里长城变长了
同义词: Chinese Wall Great Wall
以上来源于: WordNet
I know the Great Wall of China.
Here is a famous story about the Great Wall of China.
Every year many foreign tourists come to visit the Great Wall of China.
His records include bouncing a ball the fastest for one mile,or 1.6 kilometers, on the Great Wall of China.
VOA: special.2011.05.16
The trains pass by the Great Wall of China, an Egyptian pyramid,Paris' Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal in India -- thirteen structures in all.
VOA: special.2010.12.20
"Wonders of Man" includes photos of the Great Wall of China and Machu Picchu in Peru.
VOA: special.2009.11.20