greatest common divisor 最大公约数 ; 最大公因数 ; [数] 最大公因子 ; 的最大公因子
the greatest common divisor 最大公约数
greatest common divisor GCD 最大公约数 ; 最大公因子
right greatest common divisor 右最大公因子的
greatest common divisor matrix 最大公因子矩阵
Euclidean greatest common divisor 欧几里得求最大公约数
the greatest common divisor GCD 最大公约数
greatest common divisor of ideals 理想的最大公因子
Euclid Greatest Common Divisor-GCD 欧几里得
greatest common divisor power matrix 最大公因数幂矩阵
Greatest Common Divisor is one of the basic subjects in computational number theory, it has a wide application in encryption and analysis of cryptography.
If there are several flights that depart from one airport then the greatest common divisor of their flight Numbers should be equal to 1.
A computer program for expressing the greatest common divisor of two positive integers using their linear combination is given here.