...具栏 表单(Form) 页框、表格,任何控件 页框(PageFrame) 页面 页面(Page) 表格,任何控件 表格(Grid) 表格列 表格列(Grid Column) 标头对象、除表单、表单集、工具栏、 计时器和列对象以外的对象 选项按钮组(Option Button Group) 选项按钮 命令按钮组(Command...
steel grid column 钢格构柱
column grid 柱网
ceramic column grid array 柱状陶瓷栅阵列 ; 陶瓷柱栅阵列 ; 阵列
grid tray column 栅条盘分馏柱
grid and fictitious column 格网虚拟柱
grid-packed column 栅条填充柱
new column grid 新柱网
Filter grid column, enter the NOT operator followed by a search value.
Parameters that represent fields to update, such as firstname, must match the name of DataField property of a grid column.
In the Grid pane, locate the row containing the first data column or expression to sort by, and then in the Sort Type grid column, choose Ascending or Descending.