...钠、镁)反应,生成金属原子与碳直 接相连的化合物,称金属有机化合物,最重要的是有机镁化合物 格利雅试剂(Grignard reagent)——烷基卤化镁(RMgX) ——制备 卤代烷在绝对乙醚(干醚,不含乙醇和水)中,与金 属镁反应生成烷基卤化镁。
格氏试剂(Grignard reagent)是含碳的亲核试剂,与镁相连的 烃基有很强的亲核性,可与醛、酮进行亲核加成,加成产物经水解可得到醇,是 制备醇和增碳合成中常...
... Victor Grignard 维克多·格林尼亚 ; 维克托·格利雅 ; 格林尼亚 Grignard reagent 格利雅试剂 ; 格里纳德氏试剂 ; 格氏试剂 ; 格林纳试剂 Grignard Reaction 格氏反应 ; 格里纳德氏反应 ...
alkynyl Grignard reagent 炔基Grignard试剂
acetylenic grignard reagent 炔属格利雅试剂
ethyl-Grignard-reagent 乙基镁化卤
The Grignard Reagent 一种有机金属化合物
electron-withdrawing aryl Grignard reagent 吸电子型芳基格氏试剂
butyl Grignard reagent 卤化丁基镁
di grignard reagent 双格氏试剂
Se Grignard Reagent 硒格氏试剂
mono-grignard reagent 单格氏试剂
Region and chemoselective epoxide opening of epichlorohydrin with Grignard reagent gives 1-chloro-2-tridecanol which is used directly to react with sodium cyanide.
参考来源 - 3·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N any of a class of organometallic reagents, having the general formula RMgX, where R is an organic group and X is a halogen atom: used in the synthesis of organic compounds 格利雅试剂 [chem]
Di-Grignard Reagent and mono-Grignard Reagent were prepared using 1, 4-dibromobutane.
以1,4 -二溴丁烷为原料,分别制备了双格氏试剂和单格氏试剂。
Study the technologic conditions of preparing Grignard reagent benzylmagnesium chloride under ultrasonic condition.
Through experiment we discussed the preparative condition and came out with methods of mono-Grignard Reagent preparation.