但出入其「烧烤房(Grill Room)的,却尽是著名企业的领导人,如迪士尼公司前执行长艾斯纳,新力公司执行长史特林格,赫斯特出版集团杂志部总裁凯瑟琳.布莱克,...
The Grill Room 四季酒店优雅的烧烤屋
grill-room 餐馆中的烤肉间
Flamingo Restaurante Grill Room 法林明哥
grill l room 饭店餐室
N a restaurant or room in a restaurant, etc, where grilled steaks and other meat are served 烤肉馆
You come up to the international departure lobby, use the escalator on the right side, and you will see the grill room on your right.
There is no grill in Room Service.
Suraj indicated the 'Children's Development Bank', a red and yellow metal booth in the corner behind him, decorated with butterflies and with room for one child to stand behind the metal grill.