grog blossom 酒糟鼻子
fireclay grog 耐火粘土熟料
Gordok Grog 戈多克烈酒
grog brick 耐火砖
foreign grog 外来熟料
Bona Grog 北欧香料咖啡
Grog For The Guards 给守卫的烈酒
Coffee Grog 糖水烈酒咖啡
grog mill 耐火粘土破碎
N-UNCOUNT Grog is a drink made by mixing a strong spirit, such as rum or whisky, with water. 格罗格酒
"The place was on fire," he recalls. "Grog was everywhere."
During the party there was always a grog tray in the library.
Some remote settlements have imposed their own grog bans, and coped well; others have not.