... Accumulative Gross Output Value 自年初累计完成总产值 Gross Output Value of 工业总产值 ; 建筑业总产值 Gross Output Value of Construction 建筑业总产值 ; 施工产值 ...
gross output value of agriculture 农业总产值
Gross Output Value of Construction 建筑业总产值 ; 施工产值
Gross Output Value of Industry 工业总产值
Gross Output Value of Farming 牧业产值
gross output value of industryagriculture 工农业总产值
Gross Output Value of FFAF 农林牧渔业总产值
gross output value of commerce 商业总产值
Note:The structure of agricutural gross output Value of 2007 in this table are adjusted according to Secondary Agricultural Census Data.
Note: Gross output value of agriculture adopted new "industrial classification for national economic activities", and was calculate at producer prices.
Note: Gross output value of agriculture adopted new industrial classification for national economic activities, the current prices are calculate at producer prices.