...空人内部网路,并抵偿2个选秀权(第56顺位、第75顺位)给太空人,且即刻生效,按照大联盟报导,名为「地面控制(Ground Control),遭到法院判处4年有期徒刑,将柯瑞亚永久除名,储存所有棒球营运的资讯,他在2003年至2011年在红雀球探部分事情。
Ground Control II 地面控制 ; 地面控制II ; 地面控制II大撤退
ground control center [航] [通信] 地面控制中心
Ground Control Station [航] [通信] 地面控制站 ; 制站
Ground Control Simulator 地面控制模拟 ; 外文名
Ground Control Anthology 地面控制合集
Ground Control System [航] [通信] 地面控制系统 ; 系统中的地面控制站
Ground Control 2 地面控制 ; 战略高手
ground control approach 地面管制进场
N the personnel, radar, computers, etc, on the ground that monitor the progress of aircraft or spacecraft (飞机)地面控制系统
The scene of the Five Starred Red Flag against the dark sky on the grey lunar surface was taken by a camera on the Chang'e s robotic probe's lander and then sent to the ground control.
The system consists of two air vehicles and a ground control unit.
Other system components include a post-mission analysis station and the ground control station for the VTUAV.