园林地被植物套种应用模式探讨_农林学论文 关键词地被植物;园林应用;套种模式 [gap=217]Key words ground cover plants;application in gardens;interplanting pattern
Colour Ground Cover Plants 彩色地被
ligneous ground cover plants 木本地被植物
herbaceous ground cover plants 草本地被植物
sun ground cover plants 阳生地被植物
woody ground cover plants 木本地被植物
Flower Ground Cover Plants 观花地被植物
landscape ground cover plants 园林地被植物
ornamental ground cover plants 观赏地被植物
lawn and ground cover plants 草坪和地被植物
The slopes are covered with evergreen ground cover plants.
Ground cover plants have played an important role in improving the urban ecology system.
Three: ground cover plants can be cultivated in the side of the stone, and the area should not be too large;