... Mining Ground Disaster Control 矿山围岩灾害及防治 ground pressure control 地压控制 ground traffic control 地面交通管制 ...
stope ground pressure control 采场地压控制
disastrous ground pressure control 矿区灾难地压控制
Ground Pressure and Strata Control 矿山压力与顶板管理 ; 矿山压力及岩层控制
ground bearing pressure control 地面控制设备
ground bearing pressure control map 地面控制图
ground bearing pressure control post 地面控制站
ground bearing pressure control point 地面控制点
At present, it is a difficult problem of mining for the technique of ground pressure control duo to deep underground mining of iron ore in soft rock strata in this field.
参考来源 - 软岩巷道地压控制技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Stope ground pressure control is a key issue in an open stope mining process.
Finally, Suggestions are made on carrying out scientific research into the deep ground pressure control of domestic manganese deposits.
The generation background and the classification principle of mass filling method are analyzed from the aspects of ground pressure control and production process.