growth curve [微] 生长曲线 ; 成长曲线 ; 预测法
brand growth curve 品牌成长曲线
Human growth curve 人类生长曲
one step growth curve 生长曲线 ; 一步生长曲线
Cell growth curve 细胞生长曲线
mental growth curve 心理成长曲线
cumulative growth curve 累积生长曲线 ; 累积增殖曲线
exponential growth curve [经] 指数增长曲线 ; 成长曲线
the growth curve 生长动力学 ; 生长曲线
In the next 40 years, travel was going to be on a dramatic growth curve everywhere in the world, but nowhere would the change be as great as in Southeast Asia.
Based on the data, the researchers created a chart, much like a growth curve, which estimated life expectancy based on a person's age, gender and walking speed.
In the last 10 days, Foursquare has added more than 100, 000 users. That is a pretty steep growth curve.
仅近10天,Fours quare的用户增加了超过10万人,那可是非常陡峭的一条增长曲线。