... gracious and eloquent remarks热情洋溢的讲话 grumble at 抱怨 impose ideas on others将思想意识强加于他人 ...
Isn't your life extremely flat with nothing whatever grumble at?
Isn't your life extremely flat with nothing whatever to grumble at?
Be not your life extremely flat with nothing whatever to grumble at?
The administration probably calculates that, though Congress may grumble at letting India off the hook so comprehensively, it will do little.
ECONOMIST: Diplomacy and proliferation
It is not that people think out-of-town MPs should sleep in the streets, but they do grumble at providing them with the cleaning women and flat-screen televisions that many would love to be able to afford themselves.
ECONOMIST: Parliamentary expenses
Firefighters grumble that their lives are put at risk saving rich people's vacation homes.
ECONOMIST: George Bush is not the only one clearing brush