2010/8/22 35 竞争力的五种压力 在与同业的竞争策略中,大家可以是非常激烈 的短兵相接的游击战(Guerilla Warfare),也 可以是合作联合垄断的乡村俱乐部式(Country Club),然而竞争太过激烈容易导致一家赢、 整个产业输的结果。
他们是在前苏联解体之后成立的KB主义组织左二的T是游击战队(Guerilla Warfare): 一个成立于中东的KB主义组织,以其残酷而闻名。由于该组织极其憎恨美国的制度及其生活方式,在1982年炸毁了一辆满载了摇滚乐音...
engage in guerilla warfare 有时候也打游击
initiate guerilla warfare 展开游击战
novels on guerilla warfare 游击战题材小说
He introduced the theories about guerilla warfare, the mobile warfare, the positional warfare, and he explored the opinion about active defense, the centralization of superior military strength, annihilating enemy respectively, the establishment of people's war thought ,deepening the theory of knowledge. All of these manifest that Mao Zedong’s military thoughts developed and discarded Chinese tradition military commander wisdom.
参考来源 - 毛泽东兵家智慧探析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
And what seizes this truth is nothing but popular struggle based on numerous guerilla warfare.
Extending across six nations, ten million acres of forest is degraded each year due to mining, illegal logging, farming, ranching, and guerilla warfare.