gum elastic 弹性橡胶 ; 弹性橡皮
gum elastic bougie 弹性树胶探条 ; 弹性塑料探条 ; 弹性引导管芯 ; 树胶弹性导管探条
gum elastic catheter 橡皮导管
medical gum-elastic catheter 医用橡胶导管
elastic gum 弹性胶 ; 弹性树胶 ; 标榜车底防锈弹性胶
elastic reconstructed gum 弹性复制胶
gum elastic cathetergum-elastic catheterrubber catheter 橡皮导管
同义词: rubber natural rubber India rubber gum elastic caoutchouc
以上来源于: WordNet
It mainly be suited for these industries:rolling shear, cut grain, package, gum elastic, heath, matter, food, timber, etc.
Mainly be suited for these industries:rolling shear, cut grain, package, gum elastic , heath, matter, food, timber, etc.