三.香精在个人护理清洁用品中的应用 1.洗发香波(Hair Shampoo) 主要成分: 阴离子表面活性剂:脂肪醇醚硫酸盐一--AES钠盐,铵盐 脂肪醇硫酸盐一一K12钠盐,铵盐 N一酰肌氨酸盐一一月桂酰肌氨酸...
洗剂成分,此处省略)使用注意:(各种专业术语hair shampoo(洗发液)使用方法,如出现发红,请立即清洗干净,建议去找医生进行诊疗: 如果皮肤过敏、湿疹等异常部位、发炎 回复: 如果直接翻译成日...
Baby Hair Shampoo 婴儿洗发精
HAO Herbal Hair Shampoo 深层洁净草本洗发水
Hair Shampoo Bases Unscented 温和无香料洗发液基底
natural hair shampoo 天然洗头 ; 天然洗发水
Oily Hair Shampoo 油性洗发露
Hibiscus Hair Shampoo 芙蓉洗发香波
transparent hair shampoo 透明洗发香波
But I always get my hair shampoo.
Baby soap, baby lotion, baby hair shampoo and baby oil.
After washing hair with ginger hair shampoo, take proper amount of this product, gently rub it on hair and massage head for 2-3min, then rinse off with clean water.
用生姜洗发水洗净头发后,取适量护发乳轻柔按摩头部2 - 3分钟,再用清水洗净。
Lycidas is going to shampoo his hair in heaven much as he shampooed his hair on earth, except in heaven there's always a difference.