...lossia)巨舌症(Maeroglossia)舌系带过短(Ankyloglossia)舌甲状腺(Lingual Thyroid)沟纹舌(Fissured Tongue)毛状舌(Hairy Tongue)静脉曲张(Varicosities)恒径动脉(Caliber—Persistent Artery)软腭旁瘘(Lateral Soft Palate Fistulas)冠突发育过度(Coronoid Hy...
white hairy tongue [口腔] 白毛舌
yellow hairy tongue [口腔] 黄毛舌
antibiotic hairy tongue 抗菌素性毛舌
hairy leukoplakia tongue 释义舌毛状白斑
同义词: furry tongue black tongue
以上来源于: WordNet
Oral candidiasis is common in immunocompromised hosts, such as those with HIV infection. There is a hairy coating of the tongue seen here mixed with a pale tan exudate.
免疫缺陷的宿主中口腔念珠菌病很普通,例如HIV 感染。见毛状舌胎,并有浅棕色渗出物,即毛状白斑舌。
His tongue felt dry and large, as though covered with a fine hairy growth, and it tasted bitter in his mouth.
Hairy leukoplakia are on both sides of the edge of the tongue occurred in the white or gray lesions, lesions can also be extended to the tongue and the tongue back, abdomen, should not erase.