half-sib 半同胞 ; 半兄弟对
Half-sib Families 半同胞家系
half sib test 半同胞测定
half-sib selection 半同胞选拔
half-sib recurrent selection 半同胞轮回选择
half-sib test 半同胞测验
half-sib family 半同胞家系
half sib family 半同胞家系
half-sib mating [遗] 半同胞交配
The genetic parameter of plasma lipid composition and egg yolk traits using paternal line half sib are also estimated.
The 9 microsatellite markers on chromosomes 1 were used to construct a linkage map of Liangshan semi-wool sheep with a 387 members half-sib pedigrees after paternity testing.
It is more accurate to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters from a hierachical classification model excluding non-genetic deviattion than from a simple paternal half-sib correlation.