第9章卤代烷 (Haloalkane) 分类: 卤代烃分类方法有以下几种 1) 按卤原子的不同,可分为氯、溴、碘代烃; 2) 根据分子中卤原子的数目, 可分为一卤代烃、...
haloalkane suppressant [安全] 卤代烷抑制剂
haloalkane fire extinguisher [安全] 卤代烷灭火器
haloalkane extinguishing agent [安全] 卤代烷灭火剂
haloalkane extinguishing system [安全] 卤代烷灭火系统
haloalkane dehalogenase 烷基卤脱卤酶
同义词: alkyl halide
以上来源于: WordNet
Hydrolytic dehalogenation catalyzed by haloalkane dehalogenase is important to chemosynthesis and has quite potential use in environmental pollution.
Due to the fine dispersity, high heat capacity, and ease of evaporation, water mists have got widely used and concerned about as the substitute of the haloalkane extinguishing agent.