Pterygoid hamulus [解剖] 翼钩 ; 翼突钩
hamulus of spiral lamina [解剖] 螺旋板钩
hamulus of hamate bone [解剖] 钩骨钩
Train hamulus 车钩配件
hamulus ossis hamati [解剖] 钩骨钩
hamulus laminae spiralis [解剖] 螺旋板钩
sulcus of pterygoid hamulus [解剖] 翼钩沟
hamster hamulus 仓鼠钩
hamulus cochleae 螺旋板钩
以上来源于: WordNet
N a hook or hooklike process at the end of some bones or between the fore and hind wings of a bee or similar insect 在蜜蜂或类似的昆虫的前后翼之间骨骼末端的钩或钩状处 [biology]