hand line 握手绳 ; 手钓 ; 手钓线 ; 腕绳
hand line nozzle 小口径喷嘴
hand line gauge 手工线测仪
hand-line boat 手钓渔艇
Right-hand line to ride 骑车要靠右行
single hand line 单钩手钓
hand lead line 测锤索 ; 水砣绳 ; 测深绳
hand-line 手钓船
hand line boat 手钓艇姊
On the one hand, if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.
With his left hand, he adjusted the loop of steel that cuffed his right hand to the line of doomed men.
Mailing address of recipient: (Left-hand side, one line below the return address) This identifies the recipient of the letter.