有志者 事竟成 » There is a way 快乐大本营 » Happy base camp 然后加入配比的其原材料,按一定水灰比加水搅拌成料浆,加入泡沫剂,注模,脱模,湿养护14d。
Happy camper: A sulfur miner relaxes with a surprisingly toothy smile at a base camp called Camp Sulfatara on May 24.
快乐的矿工: 一名硫磺矿工正在一个名为sulfatara的营地休息,镜头里他咧着嘴开心的笑着(图片摄于5月24日)。
Later that evening, after I had flown back to base camp and was unwinding at the Army officers' club during happy hour, I told my g.i..