...气 , 随 互 联 网 蔓 延 欧 洲 , 而 这 种 歪 风 又 迢 于 早 轮 英 国 在 英 国 兴 起 的 「 开 心 掌 掴 ( Happy Slapping ) 热 潮 , 如 今 更 是 变 本 加 厉 .
以上来源于: WordNet
N the practice of attacking, esp slapping, an unsuspecting passer-by and filming it with a mobile camera phone, footage of which is then circulated for the amusement of others 快乐掌掴; 对无辜路人进行突然掌掴攻击,同时用手机相机录像,然后当成娱乐节目传播的行为 [英国英语] [非正式]
Today, I told my boyfriend how happy I was with him. He responded by pulling down his pants and slapping his ass.
Be sure to look at the documentation — I guarantee you will get a headache (and some happy surprises) from slapping your forehead so many times, so grab some aspirin first.