a hard nut to crack 棘手的问题 ; 难以处理的问题 ; 难以对付的人 ; 难对付的人
hard nut to crack 难以对付的女人 ; 难解决的问题 ; 难以对付的事或人 ; 老大难问题
a hard nut 硬骨头
hard nut 坚果 ; 难事
Crack A Hard Nut 啃硬骨头
be hard nut to crack 形容问题很多 ; 老大难的解释
hard nut to track 艰难的事
a hard nut tocrack 棘手的问题
crack this hard nut 处理这个棘手问题
Some of these coats are hard—like the shell of a nut—for extra protection.
Sometimes, it is a hard nut to crack without an expert's help.
The problem of hunger worldwide is a hard nut to crack. I'm afraid that scientists need to put in more efforts.