DELL1300 里可以认到硬盘,但做系统时报硬盘错误( 在 BIOS 里可以认到硬盘,但做系统时报硬盘错误(Hard disk error)→ ) 3. C640 不能进系统, 里看到硬盘显示错误的容量→ 不能进系统,在 BIOS 里看到硬盘显示错误的容量→ 4.
grub hard disk error 怎么了 ; 硬盘怎么了
Hard-disk drive configuration error 硬盘驱动器配置错误
Hard disk configuration error 硬盘配置错误 ; 硬盘配置不正确 ; 硬盘配置不正错 ; 跳线不对
gurb hard disk error 致使硬盘没法进入是怎样回事
Hard disk partition layout error 硬盘分区布局错误
Hard-disk configuration error 硬盘配置错误 ; 硬碟组态错误
Fatal error Rad Hard Disk 硬盘或硬盘接口故障
Fatal error bad hard disk 硬盘致命错误
Reason is usually read or write data error, may be CD quality problems or disk drive read ability not beautiful, or written to the hard disk error.
Hard disk drive components including the hard drive, a power cable, a data cable, and the controller card. If an error message indicates there is a hard disk problem, try following these steps.
General is manually GHOST error, will lead to partition the mirror back to the whole hard disk.