冷静的 cold liver; dispassionate; even-tempered; hard headed; hardheaded; imperturbable; inexcitable; level-headed; philosophical; recollected; self-possessed; sober-blooded; soberm...
... Skull Spitter(颅骨吐射器)伤害10 Hard Headed(头用力顶/艰难前行) Nuign的身体仍埋在 Hollow 地底深处的某个地方,而所有产生的诅咒都是由它的骨头所发起。 ...
Hard Headed Woman 顽固的女人
hard-headed hammer 硬头榔头
hard-headed 精明而实际的 ; 头脑冷静的 ; 什么意思及同义词 ; 冷静的
hard-headed advice 冷静的意见
To be hard headed 脚踏实地
同义词: hardheaded mulish
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ You use hardheaded to describe someone who is practical and determined to get what they want or need, and who does not allow emotions to affect their actions. 脚踏实地的; 不感情用事的
...a hardheaded and shrewd businesswoman.
M: Hard headed does mean stubborn, they have the same meaning.
L:我说呢,我刚才还真不懂什么头硬不硬。原来hard headed就是顽固。
But remember, hard headed is only an adjetive to describe people.
我看,用hard headed来形容你是再合适不过了。 走了那么多路,饭馆在哪里呐?
And when you are launching your venture, let nothing get in the way of sober, hard headed, objective assessment.
But here is the hard headed fact.
He is teaching a kind of, we will find out, a kind of hard-headed realism Polemarchus that expresses disgust at Polemarchus' talk about loyalty and friendship and the like.