第十章 基本的数据结构(Elementary Data Structures) 第十一章 散列表(Hash Tables) 第十二章 二叉查找树(Binary Search Trees) ..
distributed hash tables 分散式杂凑表 ; 分布式哈希表 ; 基于分布式哈希表
Linear Hash Tables 线性散列表
Extensible Hash Tables 可扩展散列表
Parallel Hash Tables 并行哈希表
hash tables level 杂凑表类
wikipedia article on hash tables 上有关于通常的散列表实现问题的一个很好的总结
This function reads the XML and returns the data back as an array of hash tables.
The only available collection data structures are vectors, stacks, enumerations, and hash tables.
In this case, I create an array of hash tables — a common method to store structured data such as this.
For those perhaps familiar with some of the jargon do we introduce what we call link lists and hash tables and tries, increasingly sophisticated data structures, that allow us to solve problems that are much bigger and much more interesting than the very familiar one that we started with here.