针对传统的危险与可操作性(HAZard and Operability study,HAZOP)分析不具有实时性,难以在生产过程中及时识别危险并给出有效的处理方案的问题,设计了化 ..
Hazard and Operability Study 危害与可操作性分析 ; 危险及可操作性研究 ; 可操作性研究 ; 危险和可操作性研究
HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究
Hazard and Operability Studies 危害和可操作性分析法 ; 危险与可操作性分析
Hazard and Operability Study HAZOP 危险和可操作性研究
HAZOPS hazard and operability study 危害与可操作性研究
hazard and operability review 危险与操作检查
hazard and operability research 危险性和可操作性研究
The Hazard and Operability Tool 危险与可操作性法
A description of HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) Analysis method is given in detail and the HAZOP applying in the mineral is discussed.
HAZOP (hazard and operability) is one of the most widely used techniques among the process hazard assessment methods especially in chemical industry.
HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Analysis) is one of the useful methods to analyze the reliability of the system. It is widely used in the process industries.