It has gradually rolled out HBO Go, an online video service which makes many shows and films available on-demand to anybody who can prove they subscribe to the network.
它逐步推出在线视频服务HBO Go,只要用户证明自己订阅了HBO,就能获取所需的众多节目和电影。
For IFFCON 2000, we will have our first-ever keynote address by Jack Lechner, formerly of Miramax, Channel 4, and HBO, who will be speaking to that very issue—a kind of "where do we go from here?"
对于IFFCON 2000年,我们将得到我们有史以来第一次由杰克莱希纳发表演说,前米拉麦克斯,第4频道和HBO,谁将会是非常的问题发言,一种“在我们从这里走?”