... gross national product (GNP) n. 国民生产总值 head -hunter n. 猎头公司 hedge (against) v. 保护或防御手段, 尤指防止经济损失 ...
Head hunter 猎头 ; 领头猎手 ; 首领猎人 ; 猎头者
The Head-Hunter 猎头者
head-hunter company 猎头公司
Senior Head-hunter 高级猎头顾问
head hunter italia logo 顶头猎人意大利
cow head hunter 牛头猎人
同义词: headhunter
同义词: headhunter head-shrinker
以上来源于: WordNet
So he ask the question, who owns the problem of hiring a head hunter?
And so that's was his new problem, which is how do I find someone so he figured out that he probably need a head hunter.
I declined her offer and the next day I was busy compiling the name of every head-hunter I could find.