Health&Child Care 保健育儿
child health care 儿童保健
Scope of child health care 儿童保健内涵
child health care clinic 儿保门诊室
Chin Matern Child Health Care 中国妇幼保健
mother and child health care 妇幼保健 ; 妇幼保健等方面
Maternal and child health care 疫苗与接种 ; 妇幼保健
child health care service 儿童保健服务
The revenue from this tax, which some experts predict will be over $4 trillion per decade, would be designated for housing, child care, health care and other government benefits.
Childhood immunization is an early opportunity, with exceptionally good outreach, to deliver a range of primary health care interventions that improve child survival.
For instance, a Training Package for Health Care Providers enables those on the "front-line" of maternal and child health care to recognize, assess, prevent and treat environmentally-related diseases.