hearsay evidence 传闻证据 ; 传闻证供
Hearsay Evidence Rule 传闻证据规则
to act on hearsay evidence 捕风捉影
The Rule Against Hearsay Evidence 闻证据规则
Speak On Hearsay Evidence 系风捕影
the hearsay evidence rules 传闻证据规则
Research on Hearsay Evidence 传闻证据研究
hearsay y evidence 传闻证据
The second level, will analyze the formation process of the hearsay evidence , probe into the inside attribute, category, the contents of the hearsay evidence rule and law principle in them .
The theory basis of exclusionary rule of hearsay evidence is the jury system and the disfigurement of hearsay evidence itself.
Hearsay evidence is a peculiar concept of evidence law in common law system.