heat of fusion [热] 熔化热 ; [热] 熔解热 ; 融解热 ; 溶化热
latent heat of fusion 熔化潜热 ; 融解潜热 ; 融化潜热
specific latent heat of fusion 熔解比潜热
molar heat of fusion 莫耳熔化热 ; 摩尔熔化热
heat of fusion detail 溶化热 ; 融化热
Heat of Fusion and Vaporization 熔化热与汽化热
volumetric heat of latent fusion 体积替热
heat of metal fusion 金属熔化热
Release of the heat of fusion is believed to alter the pressure gradient in such a way as to diminish the destructive winds near the storm center.
The heat of fusion welding is generated in several ways, depending on the sort of metal which is being welded and on its shape.
A calorimeter based on the quasi-steady state theory was developed to measure the latent heat of fusion and specific heat capacity of substance from 250 K to 400 K at atmosphere pressure.
基于准稳态理论,建立了准稳态量热器,可用于常压下250~400 K物质的融解热、固相和液相比热容的实验测量。