血时间增加50%)" Crack Shot:"来复枪跟鱼叉枪穿透目标&CD-20%(必点)" Discipline 30 凝力提升(Heightened Focus):"怒气满时增加9%爆击机率" 纹章精通(Signet Mastery): "纹章的CD-20%" 迅捷爆发(Quick Bursts):"BURST技能冷却减少..
In addition, we expect managers of public companies to have a heightened focus on share prices and therefore a greater concern for reported accounting Numbers that reflect economic reality.
Stress in the short term enables us to perform well under pressure as the body rises to a challenge with heightened levels of focus, strength, stamina and awareness.
Then, with the help of a spiritually heightened awareness, he was able to focus on those particular facts that would help him to see, in a metaphorical sense, the future.