...from the south to the north),“爬格子”(engage in writing),“泡吧”(kill time in a bar),“妻管严”(hen-pecked),“人才储备”(reserve of talents), “细菌战”(germ war),..
比如 ,effernimte( 优柔的 ),emasculated( 柔 弱 的)divorcee( 离 婚 者 ) 及 hen-pecked(怕老婆的人).甚 收稿日期:2003.01—15 作者简介:尹艳艳(1974 一),女,山东胶南人,青岛大学师范学院英语系助教.
hen-pecked husband 妻管严丈夫
a hen-pecked husband 怕老婆的
hen-pecked d 妻管严的 ; 惧内的
hen- pecked 妻管严的
Hen-pecked Man 马介甫
timid and hen-pecked 胆怯而惧内
ADJ You use henpecked to describe a man when you disapprove of the fact that his wife, or another woman, is always telling him what to do or telling him that he has done something wrong. 怕老婆的; 惧内的 [非正式] [usu ADJ n]
After getting married, he turned to be a hen-pecked.
He never does anything without asking his wife first-he's a completely hen-pecked husband.
They start thinking like saying "My sweet heart", after marriage may show them like "Hen Pecked".