... i like my privacy 我喜欢一个人呆着 here i go 我走了 like that's even gonna happen 就像真的一样 ...
Here I Go Again 我又来了 ; 又一次 ; 宝贝又是我
So here I go 于是我再次出发 ; 因此我再次启程 ; 给自己的歌 ; 所以我再次启程
And here I go 因此我再次启程
Here I Go Impossible Again 这次我不再变 ; 唱片名
Here I go now 现在我到这里
Well Here I Go 那么这里我去
How do I go here 我怎么去这里
How can I go here 我怎么去这里
I go from here 我该何去何从 ; 我剑何去何从
以上来源于: WordNet
Can I go home with him after school? Please,Mom? I get bored around here waiting for you after work."
VOA: special.2010.10.30
So let me go back up here, and I'm going to comment out that region, and let's uncomment this region.
So we're going to go through a thermodynamic cycle, and here's what I want to calculate when we do this.