heteromorphic chromosome 异形对染色体 ; [遗] 异形染色体
heteromorphic leaf 异型叶 ; 异形叶
heteromorphic bivalent [遗] 异形二价体
heteromorphic incompatibility 异态不亲和 ; 异态不育
heteromorphic segmentation 异形卵裂
heteromorphic paragenesis 异像共生
heteromorphic chromosomes 异形染色体 ; 异形同型染色体
ADJ differing from the normal form in size, shape, and function 异型的; 异形的; 异态的 [biology]
The broken heteromorphic cells were found in the part of longitudinal split.
Heteromorphic data integrity contains three steps: data preparation, data mapping and data combination.
Heteromorphic systems involve two or three different forms of flower with differences in pollen and stigma structure and usually differences in style and stamen length.