high duty 高关税 ; 高能率的
High-Duty Steel 高强度钢
high-duty pump 大排量泵
high duty cast iron 强力铸铁 ; 高级铸铁
High duty fire clay 高级耐火粘土 ; 高强铸
high duty boiler 高出率锅炉 ; 高压锅炉
high-duty fireclay brick 高级火黏土砖 ; 高级黏土砖 ; 高导电铍铜合金
high duty detergent 高效洗涤剂
high duty cycle 高效能循环
Applying polycrystalline ballas diamond as material for high-duty, thin coating surfaces on suitable substrates with even complex pre-shaped geometries should be quite easy.
There's a high duty on alcohol.
Now, they seem to have become much like everyone else, enslaved neither by high-falutin' duty nor repressed sentiment.