high end product 高端产品
high-end selects product 高端选择产品 ; 选择高端产品
high-end choicest product 高端精品产品 ; 高端拔尖产品
high-end thy choicest product 高端你精品产品 ; 高端你的彩虹产品
Product configuration high-end 生产设备高端 ; 安全 ; 专业升降机械公司
Indeed the employees are our companies' biggest value. Their commitment and brand awareness is as important as the high-end product itself.
As the high-end product in Chinese liquor distillery, "aged liquor" is hardly identified by the labeled year which is bottle-neck of its development.
After the release of the book, she received inquiries from high-end product manufacturers who were keen on understanding how they can break into India.