High Energy Physics 高能物理 ; 高能物理学
Introduction to High Energy Physics 高能物理学导论 ; 高能物理导论 ; 原名
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology 现象学 ; 高能物理学
High Energy Physics - Experiment 实验预印本 ; 高能物理学
high energy physics laboratory 高能物理实验所 ; 高能物理实验室
High Energy Physics - Lattice 点阵 ; 高能物理学
High Energy Physics - Theory 高能物理学 ; 理论
Journal of High Energy Physics 高能物理杂志 ; 高能物理学报
Web Directory High-Energy Physics Information 高能物理信息指
Advanced High Energy Physics 高级高能物理
There are three places on the planet that have high energy physics equipment in order to make these, and these are the three places.
They wrote in the Journal of High Energy Physics that the run created more particles than theory predicted.
The world's most powerful X-ray machines are a byproduct of high-energy physics.