High Flown Style 夸张风格
talk in a high-flown way 亦指空谈而名不副实
A pompous and high-flown statement 浮夸之词
high flown 颇具野心
high-flown prose 黼黻文章
High-flown rhetoric 夸张的华丽词句
"high-flown talk of preserving the moral tone of the school"
同义词: high-sounding inflated
"argue in terms of high-flown ideals"
同义词: exalted sublime grand high-minded lofty rarefied rarified idealistic noble-minded
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ High-flown language is very grand, formal, or literary. (语言)小题大作的; 言之凿凿的 [usu ADJ n] [表不满]