high and low pass filter 高低通滤波器 high and low pressure turbine 高低压汽轮机 high and low temperature Brinell hardness tester 高低温布氏硬度计 ..
High filtration efficiency (H12) combined with low pressure drop provide continuous high power output, reduced fuel costs, and increased turbine availability.
The method and step of the calculation of the low cycle fatigue for the high pressure rotor of a steam turbine are introduced and summarized.
Some newest type of 200mw unit whose hydraulic governing systems are high pressure, fire resisting oil DEH, and protecting systems are low pressure turbine oil ones.
某最新型2 0 0 MW机组,其调速系统为高压抗燃油数字电液调节控制系统,保安系统为低压透平油系统。