点评:庞杂而周期长的K线样子通常必要对应的市集界限,绝对其他大容量(High capacity)的市集,金市上的W样式造成的年华也绝对较短,他是我非,我让之;他非我是,我容之。顺然自然,并不代表不去争取。
high-capacity motor 大型电动机 ; 高功率电动机
high capacity road 高容车量道路 ; 高铝水泥
High capacity magazine 高容量弹匣
high-capacity 大容量 ; 高生产率
high-capacity disk 高容量磁盘
high capacity evaporator 大容量蒸发器
high capacity water station 大容量水电站
high capacity car 大型矿车
Although many of these storage media have high capacity, a backup tool with compression capabilities is a big plus, eliminating the inconvenience of multiple disks or large uploads.
High capacity utilization is nothing more than a market signal suggesting more is needed.
Apples are also rich in pectin, a fiber that has a high capacity to absorb water and improve regularity.