HDR是英文High Dynamic Range(高动态范围)的缩写,一般我们照相,照顾了高光区域的曝光,暗部细节就会丢失,而照顾了暗部细节,高光部分就会曝光过度,为了解决这一问题,...
HDR意思为高动态范围成像(high dynamic range),简单来说,HDR展示技术能够提供比传统RBG更广阔的色彩领域范围和对比度,色彩看起来更鲜艳,黑色看起来更深邃,白色看起来也更...
high dynamic range imaging 高动态范围成像 ; 高动态范围影像 ; 高静态范围成像
High Dynamic Range Image 高动态范围图像 ; 高动态范围图片 ; 高动态范围贴图 ; 范围图像
High-Dynamic Range lighting 高动态范围光映射
high Dynamic Range rendering 先进的影像变换功能 ; 高动态范围渲染
High Dynamic Range HDR 高动态范围
High Dynamic Range Process 高动态范围处理
hdr high-dynamic range 高动态图像
high dynamic range map 高动态范围映射
HDR High Dynamic Range 高级动态范围
This system described in the paper uses the 24 bits ? - A A/D chipset which has the high dynamic range and DSP as processor.
参考来源 - DSP在高精度数据采集仪中的应用This project developed a high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) system based on spatial light modulator and solid-state imaging sensors. The depth of modulation of spatial light modulator is determined by the output of solid-state imaging sensors.
参考来源 - 基于空间光调制器的大动态范围图像采集系统研究However, as the OFDM signals are the sum of signals with random amplitude and phase, they are likely to have large peak-to-average power ratio(PAPR) that requires a linear high-power-amplifier with an extremely high dynamic range, which is expensive and inefficient.
参考来源 - OFDM系统峰均比抑制技术的研究Test results show that this chip has high dynamic range (>78? dB ), high linearity ( >99.5% ), and high uniformity (96.8%).
参考来源 - 用于288×4读出电路中的高效率模拟电荷延迟线(英文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Sony also provides an H.D.R. (high dynamic range) mode.
Sony的这款相机也有一个H.D.R (high dynamic range)模式。
This chip is applicable for the measure of signal, whose amplitude and frequency has high dynamic range .
This will enable the next generation, high dynamic range mixed signal technology and high frequency RF power sources.