high-end product 高端产品
high-end selects product 高端选择产品 ; 选择高端产品
high-end choicest product 高端精品产品 ; 高端拔尖产品
high-end thy choicest product 高端你精品产品 ; 高端你的彩虹产品
Product configuration high-end 生产设备高端 ; 安全 ; 专业升降机械公司
Instead of designing a completely new product to fit a certain price range, large scale manufacturing dictates that it is often cheaper to simply "cripple" an existing high-end product.
And we have a strong hand going into the second half, an improving profile in services, ongoing momentum in software and great high-end hardware product announcements.
Neulash did well. It is a product that can be purchased at high-end department stores or online.