...往前走,会找到一台放音机,把以前拿到的灌音带施用放在放音机就能够放出来听了听完后,在床上发明了一张塔罗牌(HIGH PRIESTESS)再看看四周,在柜台发明了一张自己以前的生日卡看完后出去在走廊隐隐的听见步子声,主角都没有走路,就是听见,这么稀罕,于是出...
...记里面有一首诗它会提示你怎么放,经过了细心的推敲后,决定在左上角摆(EYE OF NIGHT)这张,左方的中间就摆(HIGH PRIESTESS),最下面的中间就放(HANGED MAN);最右手边的中间就放(FOOL)。这张卡的上面就要放(MOON)。
The High Priestess 女祭司 ; 女教皇 ; 女教主
High Priestess of Soul 灵魂教母 ; 唱片名
High Priestess of Thaurissan 索瑞森高阶女祭司
High Priestess Boots 高阶女祭司之靴
High Priestess Mar'li 高阶祭司玛尔里
high priestess jeklik 高阶祭司耶克里克
high priestess arlokk 高阶祭司娅尔罗
N-COUNT If you call a woman the high priestess of a particular thing, you are saying in a slightly mocking way that she is considered by people to be expert in that thing. (略带讽刺味道的)女行家 [usu N 'of' n]
...the American high priestess of wit.
Janis Joplin was known as the High Priestess of Rock.
Sentinel, I would speak with your High Priestess.
She was also high priestess of the temple of ishtar at magdala and as such she would have been the keeper of the doves.