... standard production volume 标准产量 High Production Volume 高生产量 Daily production volume 检验日产量 ...
HPV High Production Volume 高产量卷宗
High Production Volume Chamical Challenge 高产量化学品风险志愿者协会
high volume production 大量生产 ; 大批量生产
Already high-volume production 已经大批量生产
high mix low volume production 多品种
high-volume production process 大批量生产工艺
While printing enormously increased access to books by making cheap, high-volume production possible, it also reduced choice.
However, due to the size and scale of high volume production environments, this is rarely practical.
That means it will not only display the high levels of craftsmanship that Chinese customers demand, it will also benefit from the richer profit margins that come from higher production volume.