“High Road(高速路)” 仿佛是‘跳跃’的Billy Joel(以Piano Man一曲成名,是流行音乐黄金时期的巨星之一),就像连续不断地弹着钢琴,歌曲采用幽默...
high-road transfer 高路迁移 ; 高通路迁移 ; 路迁移
Take the high road 堂堂正正地 ; 走高端路线 ; 走上高路
I'll take the high road 我会在高处飞 ; 我会选择捷径
Leytonstone High Road 雷顿斯通高路站
High Road House 高路之家酒店
high road fly ash cement 公路粉煤灰水泥
N-SING If you say that someone is taking the high road in a situation, you mean that they are taking the most positive and careful course of action. 采取最积极慎重的途径 [美国英语] [usu 'the' N]
U.S. diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.
N-COUNT A high road is a main road. 大路; 交通要道 [英国英语]
Toad, gay and irresponsible, was walking briskly along the high road, some miles from home.
The youth led the King a crooked course through Southwark, and by-and-by struck into the high road beyond.
This is the high road to democracy.