...高固体分涂料 ; 水性涂料 ; 粉末涂料中图分类号 : TQ 630.7 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1009- 1696 ( 2013)08- 0034- 050 引[gap=9054]Key Words : automobile coatings ; high solid coatings ; waterborne coatings ; powder coatings ..
high solid content coatings 高固含量涂料
The article has reviewed the application of waterborne coatings, powder coatings and high solid coatings for finishing of automobiles, in terms of three aspects of primer, inter-coat and topcoat.
According to the requirement of coatings, yellow zine epoxy primer and two - pack high solid acrylate polyurethane coating are chosen to be containers paints.
The characteristics and applications of high-solid alkyd coatings, epoxy coatings, polyester coatings, acrylate coatings and polyurethane coatings are specifically discussed.